We are pleased to announce that the calls for registrations and abstracts are now open.
The Herbig Ae/Be stars bridge the gap in mass between the lower mass T Tauri stars and the higher mass Massive Young Stellar Objects. By linking the low and high mass stars, the Herbig Ae/Be stars are crucial in finding similarities and differences between the formation processes in both regimes.
Since the last conference dedicated to Herbig Ae/Be stars in 2014 in Chile, new facilities such as ALMA, SPHERE, GPI and Gravity allowed detailed studies into their formation and evolution as well as of the planets forming in their disk. Moreover, the Gaia astrometry mission will contribute greatly in their study.
Therefore the time is ripe for experts to come together and discuss their latest results on star formation. The time is also ripe to probe the links between the T Tauri stars and Herbig Ae/Be stars in more detail and a major aim of the conference is to bring the respective communities together to compare and contrast the properties, appearance and formation mechanisms of both types of object.
The conference will take place in Leeds, one of UK’s largest cities and named by Lonely Planet in the ‘Top 10 Best in Europe destination’ for 2017. The conference will last 3.5 days from Tuesday morning on 18th of June 2019 until Friday midday on 21st of June 2019. The social programme includes a welcome reception on Monday night, the conference dinner at the world renowned Royal Armouries on Tuesday night and dinner at the University of Leeds on Thursday night.
- Pre-Main sequence evolution – models and observations
- T Tauri stars, Herbig Ae/Be stars, related objects and their links
- Evolution of the circumstellar disks
- Accretion, theory, observations, episodic accretion
- Magnetic fields
- The circumstellar environment, disks, outflows, planets
- Clusters and multiplicity
- Gaia and other modern facilities
Confirmed Invited Speakers
- Evelyne Alecian, France
- Allessandro Bressan, Italy
- Sean Brittain, USA
- Jerome Bouvier, France
- Nuria Calvet, USA
- Antonio Garufi, Italy
- Lee Hartmann, USA
- Lynne Hillenbrand, USA
- Alcione Mora, Spain
- James Muzerolle, USA
- Christian Schneider, Germany
Outline Conference timetable (timings to be confirmed)
- Monday 17 June
- 19-21:00 Welcome Reception
- Tuesday 18 June
- 09-17:00 Conference Sessions
- 19-22:00 Conference Dinner at the Royal Armouries, Leeds Docks
- Wednesday 19 June
- 09-17:00 Conference Sessions
- Thursday 20 June
- 09-17:00 Conference Sessions
- 19-22:00 Dinner at University House, Leeds University
- Friday 21 June
- 09-13:00 Conference Sessions
Important Dates
- Abstract submission closes: 15 April 2019
- Registration closes: 30 April 2019
Registration Fee
Registrants will pay a nominal registration fee of £150 to contribute the cost of catering: includes conference lunches and refreshments, and the conference dinners (Tuesday and Thursday).
If you have any questions about the conference then please contact us by email.
Best regards,
Local Organising Committee