The last couple of months have been full of work that never ends… but it is supposed to be like this. Be a full-time PhD student demands most of my time.
The first few weeks were spent just doing the paperwork to formalize the registration as a PhD student and start to get an idea of how the University and my school works. This time represent an opportunity to get to know a group of important people in my school who offer me support for any problem or question I could have now and in the future.
The University of Leeds offers me a wide variety of activities, academic and recreational. Some part of the academic activities I have attended different workshops where I can develop my skills as I proceed through my research degree. These workshops, so far, have been very helpful and supply me with a lot of information to carry out my studies efficiently and to get in touch with other PhD students. The recreational activities, have allowed me to go out with my offices mates or with a big group from the university to explore Leeds and the neighbourhood.
At the same time, the university provides me with an excellent environment and facilities to carry on with my project. In the meanwhile, I have been learning about Herbig Ae/Be stars, clusters, and GAIA; which are the three key word of the project I will work on during my PhD.