
A part of being a PhD student is to be able to show your work to the research community. That is why every year we have the opportunity to attend different congresses, conferences, workshops, etc. at home and around the world.

At the beginning of my PhD I had the chance to show my work at an international conference in Florence, Italy called: “Francesco’s Legacy –Star Formation in Space and Time”, from the 5-9 June 2017. This was a week where researchers from all over the word gave talks about many different aspects of astronomy and paid homage to Francesco Palla. I presented a poster about the research I have been developing in the 6 months in Leeds. This obtained very positive comments from the researchers, whose work I have been using. I also had the opportunity to attend a workshop in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain called: “Star Form Mapper Workshop. Star Cluster Formation: Mapping the first few Myrs”, from the 14- 15 June 2017. In these two days, I was able to learn about the new perspectives of the theoretical and observational views of clusters thanks to the talks by the experts. In addition, I attended “North Star Formation meeting” in Liverpool”, from the 7-8 September 2017. This was a two day meeting with a big group of researchers and PhD students in the north of the UK. This gave the opportunity to all the attendants to know the work of our neighbours.

In general, this was a very good experience to show my work to the research community and receive good comments about the STARRY project. I am looking forward to the next trip.