After a few months of hard work, redoing work and adapting our techniques to Gaia DR2 we finally got the first paper of the project out, under the name of “Gaia DR2 study of Herbig Ae/Be stars”. The paper is the result of almost a year of efforts and we hope it will be well received by the community. Accepted for publication in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics, it will be published soon.
Therefore, now is time to start thinking about the next step of the project. It is thrilling to start a new research question but it also brings a new set of difficulties and complications that have to overcome. In short, it is the funniest part of researching but also the most challenging.
This new stage coincides with my last months at ESAC in Madrid, I just have four more months before I go back to Leeds. However, we already have a few conferences scheduled for these months. I am going to the conference “A revolution in stellar physics with Gaia and large surveys” in Warsaw at the beginning of September where I will present a talk about the results of this first paper and more. I am excited about presenting our results in a conference dedicated to Gaia and its applications. In addition, in November I will go to the “XXX Canary Islands Winter School of Astrophysics”, a workshop about big data in Astronomy, which will be of capital importance for us considering the nature of our project. Some of the biggest experts in the field are attending!